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10 Best Online Employee Training Platforms 2024

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The modern workplace continues to evolve with many employees working remotely. Getting everyone together in a physical classroom for training is no longer feasible. Businesses need to use online employee training platforms for virtual learning. When choosing a platform, you need to be very clear about your needs and what you expect from it. This article will help you to compare some of the best online employee training platforms.

1. iSpringLearn

iSpring Learn is a cloud-based LMS for employee training.

Pros: The platform is easy to use and navigate. Integration with iSpring Suite allows users to create interactive courses and quizzes within the platform. A dedicated app means trainees can access material while on the go. Administrators are able to create personalized learning paths that align with business goals. Gamification tools can help motivate employees and you can track

Cons: Compared to other platforms, this platform has fewer integration and customization options.

2. Docebo

Docebo is a cloud-based LMS that is easy to use and supports different learning styles.

Pros: It uses some of the latest technology, such as AI and social learning. It recommends content based on the history, performance, and preferences of employees. Social learning features allow trainees to collaborate and engage in peer-to-peer learning. A high level of customization allows you to offer a cohesive brand experience. The platform is scalable, modular, and mobile responsive.

Cons: The learning curve can be steep for new users, customization requires expertise, and gamification options are limited.

3. Cornerstone

Cornerstone’s corporate training software offers a feature-rich and comprehensive training solution.

Pros: This feature-rich, comprehensive solution allows you to manage different learning formats and multi-media content. It is suitable for large enterprises with complex training needs. There are many features and tools that allow for customization, collaboration, interactive learning, and tracking progress.

Cons: The many tools and options can make it challenging to navigate. It can be difficult to adapt the system to highly specific needs. Setting up and managing integrations can be complex.

4. CYPHER Learning

CYPHER Learning LMS is flexible and user-friendly with AI-driven personalization.  

Pros: The AI recommends personalized learning paths based on employee’s behavior, performance, and preferences. The user interface is intuitive and customizable. Various automation tools streamline tasks such as sending notifications. It has many tools to make learning more interactive, like quizzes and surveys. Collaborative learning is possible with social features like forums and discussion boards. It also integrates with a variety of third-party tools.

Cons: The platform isn’t as scalable as others like Docebo or Cornerstone. It has limitations for large organizations that require advanced reporting features and compliance.

5. EdApp

EdApp is a workplace training solution that focuses on microlearning and includes an admin portal, a learning portal, and an analytics suite.

Pros: The platform is optimized for mobile learning with a user-friendly interface. You can create courses using customizable templates. It has gamification options, including quizzes, leaderboards, and rewards. It offers a free version for smaller organizations.

Cons: It lacks the functionalities for more complex training and the reporting and analytics are basic.

  1. 6. Udemy Business

Udemy Business offers an extensive number of on-demand courses across industries. Industry experts cover a multitude of topics including technical skills, leadership, and personal development.

 Pros: You can curate personalized learning paths for employees by selecting courses that align with your organizational goals. Courses cover both soft skills and highly technical skills. They are frequently updated to reflect industry trends. Multilingual courses are available for global teams. It is easy to track employee progress with detailed reporting and monitor the impact of the training.

Cons: The quality of courses can vary significantly as they come from a wide range of instructors. The platform lacks gamification features and interaction with instructors.

  1. 7. WorkRamp

WorkRamp is an LMS that allows you to design comprehensive training programs.

Pros: You can offer personalized learning with customized courses and paths. Use editable content templates and AI Assist for creating content. It supports asynchronous learning with easy access to training materials. It offers detailed analytics to track learner progress.

Cons: The integrations sometimes don’t work and it has a higher learning curve than some other platforms.

8. LearnUpon

LearnUpon is a cloud-based LMS for delivering formal, informal, self-serve, or structured learning programs.

Pros: It is easy to set up and navigate and offers personalized learning paths and branding options. You can build an integrated learning experience for all your employees and include gamification. It integrates with tools such as Zoom and Salesforce. Promote employee engagement with social sharing and reminders. Get detailed analytics on performance. Implementation is quick and you can use multiple portals.

Cons: Advanced features may need technical skills and there’s a lack of customization and reporting functionality.

9. 360Learning

360Learning focuses on team-based and peer-driven learning.

Pros: It encourages knowledge sharing and co-creation of content. Easy-to-use tools allow you to create interactive courses and share them with ease. You can use interactive elements such as real-time feedback and surveys. It integrates with popular apps such as Slack. Make use of robust reporting to track engagement and performance.

Cons: Personalization can be difficult and it can be hard to navigate through all the functionalities.

10. Cincopa

Cincopa is a multimedia hosting platform that supports a wide range of content, including images, videos, podcasts, and presentations. Visit the home page and find out why Cincopa is ideal for delivering interactive and engaging training.

Pros: Cincopa excels in video hosting and you can customize the video player with your brand logo and colors. Host training content and embed it on a website or an LMS for flexible training delivery. Offer live Streaming, and video-on-demand, and make videos more interactive with quizzes, polls, or annotations.

The platform is mobile-responsible and integrates with other popular software like HubSpot and Zapier. You can also use video messaging to keep contact during training. The platform is scalable and offers strong security measures and advanced analytics.

Cons: May not be the best fit for companies that only want a very specialized training solution and nothing more.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Training Platform

  • Scalability: A platform needs to be able to accommodate an increasing amount of data as your business grows. It should be easy to add new users or new courses.
  • Customization: Customizing training with your brand logo, colors, etc. makes it feel like an integral part of your ecosystem. It also improves engagement if learning is consistent and cohesive with devices and platforms.
  • Responsive design: The platform should accommodate different browsers, devices, and operating systems.
  • Ease of use: The platform should have a user-friendly interface and menus that are easy to navigate.
  • Integration options: Your training platform should integrate with software (such as CRM, ERP, or LMS) that you already use.
  • Security: Security measures such as encryption and access control are essential to protect the private information of employees from unauthorized access and misuse of data.
  • Analytics: In-depth analytics allow you to monitor and evaluate trainee progress and performance. On the Cincopa platform, users have access to advanced analytics including heatmaps where they can see what training videos employees watch, how long they watch, and whether they rewind or skip content.
  • Support: It is crucial to ensure a platform offers good customer service and support to address issues.

Comparing Features and Pricing

When selecting the right platform, you need to choose one with the features you need at a price you can afford.

  • iSpringLearn works well for small to medium businesses with its straightforward UI, good content management, and detailed reporting.
  • Docebo is an AI-powered learning platform that offers personalization and social learning features.
  • Cornerstone is a complex and feature-rich platform best suited for large organizations.
  • CYPHER Learning is good for small to medium-sized businesses that need a flexible and user-friendly LMS with AI-driven personalization.
  • EdApp is ideal for fast-paced industries that need to deliver bite-sized lessons and focus on mobile learning.
  • Udemy Business offers an extensive range of on-demand courses across industries.
  • WorkRamp is an all-in-one learning management platform with customization, integrations, and comprehensive reporting.
  • LearnUpon is ideal for businesses that want to deliver a mix of formal, informal, self-serve, or structured learning.
  • 360Learning is a good choice for businesses that focus on peer learning and team-based learning.
  • Cincopa is a great choice for businesses that rely heavily on multimedia content for training and want robust video hosting, customization, security, and analytics.

Many of the above training platforms base their pricing on the number of active monthly users. This can be affordable for smaller businesses but may get pricey for larger ones.


Using one of the best employee training tools 2024 helps you to offer a successful training experience. You need to choose a platform that meets your needs, suits your budget, and helps you achieve your training goals. Cincopa is one of the leading options for hosting and managing employee training programs.

Start a free trial 

Originally published on October 5th, 2024
The Blog

10 Best Online Employee Training Platforms 2024

by Simi time to read: 6 min