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How to Create Content for Customer Onboarding

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Users are usually excited after buying products or services. They are eager to start using them and discover their potential. If they encounter confusion and can’t figure out how to use them, they will feel deflated and frustrated. If you want to reduce churn, enhance user satisfaction, and drive long-term loyalty, your customer onboarding process is critical. With a seamless, enriching, and intuitive onboarding process, new users will feel empowered.

What is effective onboarding content?

First impressions matter and the user onboarding process can set the tone for the entire customer experience. Onboarding specialists know how important it is to ensure customers can quickly understand and derive value from products and services. Not only will customers stick around but they are also likely to share their positive experiences with others.

Videos are particularly useful in the onboarding process. Personalized onboarding videos are one of the best ways to make your customers feel valued.

  • A human face in an onboarding video can help to create a solid connection with a customer.
  • Live streaming can help you to engage in two-way conversations with your customers.
  • Explainer videos can help you to explain complex concepts in simple terms and show products in action.
  • Customers can watch a library of on-demand videos at their own pace without feeling rushed.
  • Screen recording videos can walk users through specific features of processes step-by-step. This is particularly helpful in SaaS onboarding.

Using onboarding best practices when creating onboarding content helps boost customer engagement and encourages active use of your products or services. For example, recognizing that one size doesn’t fit all and adapting to individual user preferences will lead to more success.

It’s essential to make customers take that all-important first step and gain confidence to take the next step. You can even give them incentives for taking action such as a free consultation.

Types of onboarding content

It’s important to diversify your onboarding content for the process to be successful. The process should be as simple as possible and avoid any unnecessary jargon or steps. Here are some valuable types of onboarding content.

  • Welcome emails: According to research, welcome emails are opened four times more frequently than other emails. A personalized welcome email is a great way to surprise and delight new customers.  
  • Tutorial videos: Tutorial videos provide a helpful way to demonstrate product features and functionalities. They can explain how features work and how to complete specific tasks.
  • Guides and manuals: Comprehensive guides and manuals offer in-depth information on product use.
  • Interactive walkthroughs: Interactive walkthroughs can guide users through key features step-by-step. Customer success managers who have to bridge the gap between sales and customer support can proactively prevent customer issues with walkthroughs.
  • Use case videos: Videos that showcase real-life examples and case studies can be inspiring for new users.
  • FAQs and troubleshooting guides: Accessible FAQs and troubleshooting guides can help customers find solutions to common queries and issues. This can help to ensure customer success when using products and reduce the need for customer support interventions.

How to create onboarding content

When creating onboarding content, it is important to understand the unique needs, challenges, and expectations of customers.

  • Identify key milestones: There are certain milestones in the customer journey that have the greatest impact on their success and where they most need supporting content. This may mean sending a welcoming email with links to tutorials.
  • Segment your audience: It’s important to segment your customers based on their needs and customize content to address these specific needs.
  • Create clear and concise content: Always communicate the value your product or service offers. Be concise and transparent in explaining how it addresses customer needs.
  • Incorporate visual elements: Incorporating visuals, such as screenshots and videos, can enhance customer comprehension. Customers would rather watch onboarding videos than read text.
  • Integrate with other systems: Integrate your video hosting platform with your customer relationship management (CRM) system and you can trigger video messaging based on customer actions or milestones.
  • Gather feedback: Gathering feedback from new customers will help you to refine and improve your onboarding content.

Use Cincopa for onboarding

A visit to our Cincopa home page will show you just how much using the platform can help you with customer onboarding.  

  • Customizable video players: One of the useful Cincopa features is being able to customize a video player. Consistent branding offers a better onboarding experience. Customers with constant exposure to your brand logo, colors, and fonts will keep your brand front of mind.
  • Interactive video features: Interactive elements such as quizzes, clickable links, annotations, and subtitles can help you to create engaging, informative onboarding videos.
  • Secure hosting and delivery: Secure video hosting and image hosting means customers will always have reliable access to onboarding content.
  • Analytics and reporting: Analytics can help track the effectiveness of onboarding content and identify areas for improvement. By using analytics to gain useful insights you can keep improving your content.


The best customer onboarding content doesn’t just explain how to use a product or service. Engaging and informative content will help your customers to understand and use your products effectively. This will increase customer satisfaction, build trust, and drive long-term loyalty. Cincopa private video hosting platform offers secure video hosting and will help you to implement strategies that enhance the customer onboarding process.

Start a free 30-day trial… 

Originally published on August 24th, 2024
The Blog

How to Create Content for Customer Onboarding

by Simi time to read: 4 min