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How to Use Video for Customer Support

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Video content is becoming increasingly important in the area of customer support. When you harness the power of videos you can transform your customer service efforts. These customer support videos can provide you with a more personal and effective way to connect with customers. Customers expect speedy solutions and videos can give them quick answers that are easy for them to retain. Here are some of the benefits of using videos for customer support and how to go about creating and using them.

The benefits of using video content for customer support

Customer service videos can range from instructional guides to personal messages from customer service reps. They have many benefits for customer support.

  • Enhance understanding: Videos can help your customers understand complex issues more clearly through visual and auditory elements. You can use videos to explain solutions to them step-by-step. This helps you to resolve issues faster and build trust and loyalty.
  • Create quality control: Your business can use videos to teach new support hires how you approach customer support and what they need to do in various challenging situations.
  • Increase engagement: Videos are more engaging than text-based forms of support. They can convey information faster and in a more user-friendly way than text. This can deal with customer frustration that comes from battling to interpret text instructions in a long email.
  • Personalized interaction: Your customer support managers can use videos to connect with customers on a more personal level. This human touch shows them the company cares for them and they feel valued. A simple customer thank you video or birthday message can achieve this.
  • Reduce support tickets: Customer service videos can help to reduce support ticket volume. With a self-service knowledge base that’s easy to access, customers can find the answers to their problems themselves. This will put less pressure on customer service reps which can streamline customer support processes and save time and resources.
  • Save time: Video customer support can help to save time for support teams and customers. Customers can watch a short video that addresses an issue in real time instead of relying on extensive one-on-one support interactions. Immediate access to video-based solutions can foster brand loyalty and trust.

Types of Support Videos

You can use many different types of customer support content in videos such as how-to tutorials, FAQs, and product demos.

How-to video tutorials

How-to videos can guide customers through common tasks and troubleshooting steps. You can break videos down into smaller bite-sized ones to explain specific features or tasks. Customers can quickly find out how to achieve the outcomes they want without having to contact your team. They can find the tutorial they want by using keywords and watch it at their own pace.

Video FAQs

Video FAQs can address frequently asked questions in an interactive way. They can also contribute to your SEO efforts. When you launch a new product or a new feature, you could attach an FAQ video to answer potential questions and give customers more confidence to use the product or new feature.

Product demos

Whenever a user faces a problem using a product, they are likely to call your help desk and ask for assistance. A video help desk offering product demo videos can help customers get the most out of their purchases. Your demo videos will showcase the features and functionalities of your products.

Live videos and interactive walkthroughs

Live video helps to add a human face to a brand and allows the customer support team to resolve many customer issues with screen and webcam sharing. Customers can also include a video screen share of their problem. The team can guide customers through most issues in this way. While having live streaming sessions with customers, agents can record them to add a library that acts as a knowledge base.

Customer testimonials

Customer testimonial videos can help to build trust in customers looking for social proof. They can showcase customers facing real-life issues and solving them by using your products.

How to create effective support videos

When creating support videos, it is important to use best practices to ensure they are informative, engaging, and helpful to customers.

Identify common issues: You need to identify common issues your customers face. What are the questions your support team has to answer over and over? You can then create videos that answer these questions.

Script and plan: If you want your videos to be concise and clear, you need to script and plan them. You need to ensure they are empathetic and focus on solving a problem for a customer. You must walk customers through processes or features in a step-by-step, user-friendly way.

Ensure high-quality production: To produce high-quality videos you need to pay attention to lighting, sound, and video editing.

Give clear instructions: In support videos, your instructions must be clear and easy to follow. You can include visuals like screenshots to help customers to understand instructions.

Include CTAs: Include calls-to-action (CTAs) that direct customers to additional resources or support channels.

Encourage collaboration: Sending videos to co-workers and getting feedback not only helps to improve videos but can strengthen a team. When only one person looks at a video, it is easy to overlook mistakes and opportunities to improve.

Use Cincopa for customer support

Visiting Cincopa’s home page will show how the video and image hosting platform can help your business with creating and hosting interactive support videos.

Customizable video players

Customizable video players can enhance the viewing experience for support videos. You can use your brand logo, colors, and fonts to make your brand image more memorable to customers.

Content delivery network (CDN) and responsive design

This ensures that customers have a good viewing experience no matter where they are watching a video. Responsive design ensures that they can watch quality video even when watching on the small screens of mobile devices.

Interactive video elements

Cincopa features can make your support videos more engaging. These video features include clickable links, subtitles, annotations, and CTAs.

Video analytics and reporting

A benefit of using video for customer support is being able to use analytics tools to evaluate their success. Cincopa’s video analytics tools allow you to measure customer engagement with videos. You can see which videos they watch most. Heat mapping allows you to see whether they skip sections or drop off videos. This allows you to improve your videos in a data-driven way.

Secure hosting and delivery

Cincopa’s secure video hosting ensures that customers always have safe and reliable access to your support videos. It uses security measures like encryption, domain lock, SSO, and user permissions.

Video messaging

Support staff can quickly create video messaging to offer a solution to a customer problem. They can easily record their webcams and screens to share personalized messages. By using screen recordings, annotations, etc. they can offer customers a personalized and more engaging experience.


A video-first approach to customer support offers a personal and effective way to connect with customers. Customer support videos can help your business to offer clear explanations, solve issues faster, and build trust with customers. This helps to ensure they remain loyal to your brand which can boost your revenue. When using video content for customer support, Cincopa video hosting platform offers many benefits. One of these is the useful on-video features that help to make support videos more interactive.

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Originally published on August 24th, 2024
The Blog

How to Use Video for Customer Support

by Simi time to read: 5 min