3 Reasons to Avoid Self-hosting Your Videos in 2024

Should you self-host your videos in 2024? Short answer, probably not.

Business videos play a huge role today in digital marketing, recruiting, training employees, and many other areas. Video-driven businesses like marketing agencies or e-learning institutions must use video hosting to store, manage, and distribute their videos. When deciding how to host your videos, there are various options. You can use a free platform, opt to use paid video hosting software, or host videos on your website. It may be tempting to want to self-host your videos but it isn’t a good idea for various reasons. This article will cover three of the main reasons why you should avoid self-hosting your videos.

What is self-hosting?

Self-hosting means you need to manage storing your videos, posting them on various platforms, and promoting them to your audience. You will take care of everything related to your video content on your own. This includes hosting your video files on your server and how you store and deliver your video assets.

Should I self-host my videos?

No, you shouldn’t self-host your videos. Self-hosting your videos may seem like an obvious solution as it appears affordable and gives you control. A thorough breakdown of all the pros and cons shows this is not the case. Self-hosting your videos comes with various challenges and limitations. They often come to light as you start scaling your business and need to create and use many videos. The process of self-hosting videos is a highly technical one. 

1. Technical Challenges

You will encounter a number of technical challenges when self-hosting your videos.

Complex server setup and maintenance: For self-hosting, you need a server or a network of servers to host your video files. Setting up a server and maintaining it is a serious operation that requires expertise and time. 

High bandwidth consumption: Video files are typically large in size and need plenty of storage space. The more video files you have and the higher their quality, the more storage space you will need. If multiple viewers are streaming your videos at once, your bandwidth will be stretched too thin. Serving bulky files on your website will slow down page load speed. This affects the user experience and the SEO ranking of the page. 

Video encoding problems: You may need to deliver videos to a diverse global audience using different platforms and devices. This means converting and optimizing videos to multiple formats. If it isn’t done correctly, this can cause slow loading times, lower video quality, and buffering issues. 

Lack of storage scalability: As your video library grows, your storage system needs to be scalable. When self-hosting your bandwidth and storage limits can become a bottleneck. This will hinder your ability to scale your video streaming

2. Security and Compliance Risks

When self-hosting you must take responsibility for making sure your video files are secure. You can’t afford them to be vulnerable to data breaches or unauthorized access. Secure video hosting requires using various security measures to protect your videos. You don’t want unauthorized downloading, copying, sharing or streaming. 

Secure video hosting doesn’t just mean installing antivirus software. It involves combining a range of different security measures. Some of the security measures you can use include:

  • Encryption
  • Strong passwords
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Single sign-in
  • Domain lock
  • Backup and recovery

Video platforms have the potential for infringing on user data privacy and security. This is why several global compliances such as GDPR have been put in place to improve privacy and data protection. It can be difficult to manage regulatory compliance when self-hosting. Experts often speak about the risks your business may face if you fail to protect data.


3. Cost and resources

Self-hosting can have many hidden costs. These include storage costs, maintenance costs, upgrades, etc. You may even end up paying more over the long run than you would pay for professional hosting services with cost-effective prescriptions. You will have to handle many extra tasks and data that you could otherwise leave to a professional video hosting platform. 

Creating multiple video formats 

Viewers watch videos on a variety of different devices and use different browsers so they must be playable in different formats. For example, viewers who want to watch on mobile devices need versions suited for small screens. Converting a video file multiple times is a time-consuming process and takes plenty of patience. You may not know how to do this which means you may have to pay someone to do it for you. 

Choosing and coding a video player 

To play video on your website, you must install a video player. Even choosing the right video player can take time as you need to do some research to find one best suited to your needs. Once you choose one you will need to embed it on your website. For it to work properly you will need to use code to tell it which formats you have created and where on your video server they are located. Not knowing how to do this forces you to hire someone to do it for you.  

Benefits of Professional Video Hosting Services

You don’t have to host videos on your website. You can use a paid video hosting service instead and embed them on your website. You will use a link to the video file to embed it on your website. The video is actually on the video hosting platform’s servers although it appears on your website. Professional video hosting services have many benefits when you need to upload, manage, and distribute many videos. 

Image from www.cincopa.com

  • Performance: Adaptive bitrate streaming and the use of an HTML5 video player ensures good video quality and reduces buffering. A content delivery network (CDN) has a globally distributed network of servers. It will deliver a video from a server located closest to a viewer’s physical location. Videos will play faster and more smoothly. 
  • Customization: You should be able to easily customize the logo, colors, and thumbnails of the video player. This will make sure your videos are instantly recognizable and provide a more cohesive impression.  
  • Scalability: As your needs grow, the video hosting platform will adjust to them. It can scale to adjust to traffic spikes and storage needs. 
  • Integration with other marketing tools: Many video hosting services offer integrations with your other marketing tools such as email marketing platforms, or social media marketing software. This helps you to automate your marketing across multiple channels. 
  • Security: An array of security measures help to keep your videos safe. You can benefit from video encryption, domain lock, etc. You can also set user permissions to give your employees access to only the videos they need to do their jobs. 
  • Advanced analytics: These give you in-depth insights into the performance of your videos and viewer behavior. Heat maps are one of the analytic features that allow you to observe viewer behavior and see whether viewers skip parts, rewatch, or drop off a video. With these insights, you can make informed decisions about how to improve your videos. 
  • Dedicated support: You always have access to the help you need for optimal video performance. It isn’t up to you to try and fix problems and waste manpower and money in the process. 

Cincopa is one of the best video hosting platforms 2024. With Cincopa you get all the premium video hosting features you need such as a CDN, a customizable HTML5 video player, interactive on-video features, integration with other software, strong security measures, and advanced analytics. 

Some of the features you can use to make your videos more interactive include quizzes, polls, CTAs, contact forms, annotations, and subtitles. When your audience stays engaged, it will be better for your business. 

Another great feature is how Cincopa handles your video SEO. You can boost your visibility and drive traffic as Cincopa instantly optimizes your videos. Automatic generation of video SEO happens when you upload a video. 


The above information shows exactly why self-hosting your videos isn’t a good idea. There are many challenges and limitations you will experience when self-hosting videos. These include technical challenges, security and compliance risks, and hidden costs. You will be responsible for more than you may realize when self-hosting videos. Using professional video hosting services in 2024 is a much better option. 

Originally published on May 14th, 2024
The Blog

3 Reasons to Avoid Self-hosting Your Videos in 2024

by Simi time to read: 6 min