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  2. CincoTube
  3. Drip Content for Online Courses

Drip Content for Online Courses

Content Drip for Online CoursesThe feature allows you to create courses and arrange them in the sequence you’d like the learners to take. Once the feature is enabled, videos in a channel must be consumed in a predefined sequence. Learners will not be able to click on the next videos until they complete the one preceding them. 

Get Started

Content lives within channels. To set up a content drip for your courses, you need to select or create a channel first. 

Enable Content Drip

Global Setting

Enable the content drip feature universally for your Tube from the global settings. 

  • Go to Settings > General > Progress.
  • Toggle on Enable Content Drip.

How to enable content drip

Channel Setting

Click on the gear icon to enable content drip in channel settings

  • Click on the gear icon to access the Channel Settings.
  • Go to General > Progress. Toggle on No skipping ahead on videos to turn on the content drip for the channel.
  • Your courses will need to be consumed in a linear progression. If a viewer attempts to jump ahead to other videos before completing the previous one, they’ll not be able to click on the videos. 

Once the Content drip feature is turned on in the global settings, channel admins will need to enable it for the specific channels where they want the courses to be taken in a sequence.

And that’s it! You’ve just set up drip content for your courses.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support. We’d be happy to help!


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