You can easily customize the template using the advanced settings or with CSS edit.
Each template you choose allows you to customize basic attributes such as size, control bar location, shuffle, auto-play and so forth. You may set your options and preview any of the available templates, before making your final decision.
Upload as many files as you desire and organize them into your folders. Cincopa will be in charge for automatically converting and transcoding your video and audio files, as well as resizing your photos to suit the different devices. Similarly, you may add or omit video, audio and images files or change template, at any given moment.
Cincopa will provide you with the appropriate code to embed into your site. All you have to do, assuming you have downloaded the required extension (plugin, module etc.), is choose the method your destination site works with (specific CMS, HTML etc.), copy the code given to you and embed it, wherever you want to display it on the internet.
Cincopa reliable platform grants you with a full media kit that covers any aspect of your HTML5 slideshow; moreover, via a click on a button Cincopa allows you to use the HTML5 image slideshow on any other major CMS based site as well as send it by mail or post it through numerous social networks.
In addition to the diverse template selection and multiple customization options, Cincopa provides you with generous free hosting and delivery services that satisfy the needs of most blogs and small sites. It also uses advanced security measures and dedicated servers that guarantee high end performance.