Site owners invest precious time and a lot of money building impressive slideshows for their home page and landing pages. This perfected, responsive full-width slider is the same exact widget. However, it has two essential benefits; it takes only a few minutes to create and embed it in any desired location, and it is free to use.
Check Out Responsive Layer Slider Skin Demo:
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The responsive layer slider is not like any other image slideshow, which you can use for showcasing your work. It enables the creator to display different titles, descriptions and visible links on top of each image and edit them easily at any time. The full width slideshow includes unique transitions that slice open the top image in different angles, exposing the next one or closing in when navigating to the previous image.
There are many advanced setting options, which you may customize as you please. You can use it as a motionless display instead of a slideshow, determine the speed of the transitions and the intervals between the items; you can change the angle in which the image is sliced, choose whether to show or hide the navigation dots and more.
Cincopa takes care of all the technical aspects. You are left only with a few strategic decisions involving the appearance and usage of the slider. For instance, you may allow users to download your files or let other sites use your slider. If you want to make any further changes, you are welcome to edit the included CSS files.
This elaborated layer slider is fully responsive, assuring your users enjoy the best possible performance from any device they use. You can use the same slideshow in multiple pages, domains and social networks, and it is very simple to manage and edit from any device connected to your Cincopa account.
Responsive Layered Slider – Main Features:
Responsive design
Upload multiple images from any device or web URL
Full scalability
Set the layered slider width
CDN – guarantees fast and smooth performance
Automatic photo resize and conversions
Free hosting and delivery services (up to 400MB space and 200MB bandwidth per month)
Easy management - remote access to your gallery
Advanced Features:
Add text to image – title, description or both
Activate slideshow
Edit main CSS files
Set the transitions speed
Set the intervals between items
Set the transition angle
Set the scale
Turn on opacity effect
Show or hide navigation dots
Add related URL below the text
Add a search box
Allow users to download your media in original or resized version
List the domains allowed to use your gallery
Enable iframe option
Track user engagement using your Google Analytics account
Cincopa is the most complete Video, Image, Audio/Podcast Hosting Platform