The Roundabout slider skin brings interest and vividness into any webpage. It is not only notably impressive and intriguing, but also free to use and incredibly efficient. It does not take much space, yet may include any number of image, audio and video items; it displays three full images on each round, easy to create and manage and includes a large Lightbox slideshow display.
Responsive Roundabout Slider Skin Demo:
Test on mobile
Scan the following QR code to preview this gallery on your mobile
This unique, responsive image slider looks like a merry-go-round of small images. The viewer uses the three front images as navigation tools; the left and right images function as Next and Previous buttons, and clicking on the middle image opens a Lightbox slideshow with enlarged images, music and video players. The Lightbox slideshow has its own navigation arrows, as well as an X icon, which leads back to the roundabout slider display. Video and music players hold a detailed control bar that offers a full screen mode.
You may add title and/or description to each image; determine the gallery and thumbnail size, change the shape of the slider, set security definitions and modify many other customization options. The responsive roundabout slider allows you to learn about your users' engagement through your Google Analytics account and even to edit the CSS files to suit the slider design to your individual style.
The roundabout slider may be embedded anywhere on HTML and CMS based sites, and can be promoted through almost any social network or mailing system. Cincopa software supports all popular video and audio formats; moreover, it manages all the technical requirements such as photo-resize, conversions and hosting and delivery services.
Responsive Roundabout Slider – Main Features:
Responsive design – superb viewing and listening experience from all mobile devices
Upload any number of media files from your own devices or directly from the web
Remote access to your gallery
Automatic conversions and photo-resize
Set gallery size
Set thumbnail size
Lightbox slideshow display
Supports most audio and video formats
Carousel effect
Reliable CDN – guarantees fast and high quality performance
Free hosting and delivery services (limited per month)
Advanced Features:
Editable CSS files included
Choose slider's shape
Activate Auto-play
Set Auto-play duration
Pause Auto-play on hover
Add titles and/or descriptions to thumbnails and Lightbox images
Set thumbnail aspect ratio
Select an item's open action – Lightbox, none or related URL.
Allow users to download your files
Create a list of the domains entitled to use your gallery
Add search box
Google Analytics – track the gallery's events
Enable iframe option
Cincopa is the most complete Video, Image, Audio/Podcast Hosting Platform
A luxurious looking gallery. Adjust Grid size on desktop to have 2 or 3 images per row. Collapses to a single image on small screens. Perfect to showcase a property, holiday resort or for use on your homepage to present your brand.