Single video player skin is perfect for blogs and sites that wish to emphasize the
video without stealing the whole show and interrupting the flow of other content
on the page. The single video player has a friendly to use control panel, which
may include mute and full-screen features. The player settings enable you to customize
many layout and performance options such as adding a playlist, re-position control
bar, change dimensions, autostart and more.
The single video player is extremely easy to create and managed. It supports all
major video formats and is compatible with all desktops and mobile devices. The
player may be added to both HTML pages and CMS based websites including Joomla,
Drupal, Ning, WordPress, WordPress MU, Blogger, TypePad, vBulletin, MediaWiki, Weebly
and Buddy Press.
Single Video Player Skin and Demo:
Test on mobile
Scan the following QR code to preview this gallery on your mobile
Single Video Player - Main Features:
Set the gallery's width and height
Choose control bar position (none, bottom or over)
Add playlist and choose position (bottom, over or right)
Upload videos from your own devices or from any URL (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)
Remote access
Automatic transcoding
Autostart option
Set a specific start time
Repeat option
Define link target
Get free hosting and delivery services (limited to 400MB space and 200MB bandwidth
per month).
CDN services
Premium features:
1. Add a Cooliris link
2. Allow users to download your content
3. Set the background color of control bar and playlist
4. Set color of icons and text
5. Define color of items when you hover over them
6. Define the background color of the display
7. List the domains entitled to use the player
8. Remove Cincopa branding
9. Set display click (play, link, none, full screen, mute or next)
10. Include watermark logo
11. Include mute option
12. Set startup volume
13. Define buffering length
Customize appearance to match your brand and website design. Interactions for video marketing, moneytization and privacy. This player is a HTML5 Single Video Player.