Smoothgallery slideshow skin enables you to create a stunning image presentation.
Smoothgallery slideshow skin is highly customizable and may be easily embedded in
any webpage that accepts HTML, and many CMS based sites such as WordPress, Joomla,
Drupal, Ning, TypePad, vBulletin, Blogger, MediaWiki, Weebly, WordPress MU and Buddy
The Smoothgallery slideshow is easy to create, customize, embed and handle. Cincopa
media platform provides you with a full media kit that takes the entire technical
burden off your shoulders. Cincopa's application takes care of conversions, photo
re-sizing, scalability, security and free hosting and delivery (400MB storage space
and 200MB bandwidth per month).
Checkout the Smoothgallery Slideshow Skin and Demo:
Test on mobile
Scan the following QR code to preview this gallery on your mobile
Smoothgallery Slideshow - Main Features:
Click the carousel text on the upper right side to show or hide thumbnail images.
Click any thumbnail image to enlarge it.
Hover over thumbnail images to get a clear view of image.
Hover over the carousel's right or left side to leaf respectively through images.
Click the arrow on the right side of the enlarged image to move forward; click the
arrow on the left side to view the previous photo.
Set the Smoothgallery slideshow skin size, loading text and carousel text.
Extra customization options for Premium settings:
1. Cooliris view.
2. User's download option.
3. Domain lock.
4. Remove Cincopa branding.
5. Thumbnail file size.
6. Content size.
7. Carousel and info pane opacity.
8. Transition and rotate time; auto rotate.