Responsive Facebook Mode Video Player

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Do you want a content layout that will simply draw users in? Something that will make you page attractive, yet simple? You can get all those perks by creating a video gallery using the video portal mosaic skin and enabling the Facebook mode. Similar to the video integration of the famous social media platform, Cincopa has artistically designed a solution to showcase your videos, by embedding them entirely into a webpage.

Facebook Mode Skin allows you to build an impressive video gallery, that can consist out of an unlimited number of video players, each of them with different thumbnail dimensions. This skin can be extremely useful for filmmakers, videographers or any professional wanting to share tutorials, how-to videos, or any other kind of videos.

This responsive skin allows you to set up a thumb aspect ratio (fit, fit crop, stretch or override CSS) and a Video Thumb (Poster, Play Video, Play Video and Audio, Play Facebook Mode). By choosing this skin, you can add text to your videos, can decide the number of thumbs per page and can choose among different pagination options, according to your needs. This skin has an engaging video display with several elements such as: video duration, hover-over colour, Play button, text fields, social share icons and (if you require) an optional watermark and a click URL.

While this video player is set up in Facebook mode, the users will see the videos playing when scrolling down the page. Immediately after the video is out of focus, it stops playing ensuring the fully efficiency of your content. Afterwards, the viewers can watch a particular video, by simply clicking on the desired player. The video will pop-up, using a Lightbox opening, on top of the gallery. Here you can see the title of the video, together with the description and the social network sharing buttons.

The video player is easy to use, with a default control bar containing a Play/Pause button, video duration, progress bar, volume slider, and a full screen feature. Your viewers will be able to access your videos from every mobile device and they could download or embed it to any HTML or CMS based webpages, making sure that your content it’s reached by many other viewers.

If you are an advanced user, there are some settings that can make the video experience even more efficient. You can add video tagging, separating the videos into categories, (for an easy surfing through the assets). Furthermore, you can edit the main CSS of the video player and can take advantage of the Google Analytics integration, which facilitates the optimization and the event tracking of your videos. You can optimize the video load, choosing whether you want all of them to load from the beginning, or only when visible.

The Facebook Mode skin has an advanced security options and a reliable Content Delivery Network. That means your videos are played with an advanced video streaming technology, making sure that the load time is fast, without any buffering or errors. You can add the videos to the gallery in any popular format; all the conversions or photos resize will be done automatically.

Video Facebook Mode Skin – Main Features:

  1. Fully responsive – excellent viewing experience from all mobile devices
  2. Multiple upload and embed options
  3. Unlimited number of videos
  4. SEO friendly
  5. Set video gallery size
  6. Set thumbnail maximum size
  7. Supports all popular video formats
  8. Automatic conversions and photo resize
  9. Reliable Content Delivery Network – advanced video streaming technologies
  10. Remote access to the video portal gallery
  11. Free trial for 30 days

Advanced Features:

  1. Edit main CSS files
  2. Add title and/or description to video items on the main display
  3. Enable Auto-play and/or shuffle options
  4. Set pagination options
  5. Group images – divide videos into categories using tags
  6. Set hover action and color
  7. Six social sharing icons
  8. Add watermark and set its position and click URL
  9. Enable user download
  10. Advanced security options
  11. Google Analytics integration
  12. Add search box

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  • Responsive
  • Desktop 1280x720
  • Tablet
  • Mobile