Widescreen single video player skin is great for those who prefer a widescreen viewing
experience. The video display attracts a lot of attention and may be viewed conveniently
from the page itself without using the full screen option. A widescreen single video
player consists of an efficient control bar, clickable display, optional playlist
and many setting options like the size of the gallery and playlist, autostart, repeat
and more.
The widescreen single video player may be created and embedded in merely a few minutes.
It has high scalability and enables a remote access from any device with a web connection.
The application supports all major video formats and automatically performs transcoding.
You may add the video player to any HTML page or CMS based website such as WordPress,
WordPress MU, Joomla, Drupal, Ning, Blogger, Weebly, TypePad, vBulletin, MediaWiki
and Buddy Press.
Widescreen Single Video Player Skin and Demo:
Test on mobile
Scan the following QR code to preview this gallery on your mobile
Widescreen Single Video Player - Main Features:
Set gallery and playlist dimensions
Define control bar position (none, bottom or over)
Add a playlist and define its location (bottom, over or right)
Upload files from your computer and portables or upload videos from web URLs (like
YouTube, Vimeo etc.)
Access your Cincopa account from any desktop or mobile device in use.
Automatic transcoding and conversions
Activate autostart feature
Define a specific start time
Activate repeat option
Set the browse-frame for a display link
Define how to resize display images (none, uniform, fill, exact-fit)
Free hosting and delivery (up to 400MB space and 200MB bandwidth monthly).
Pseudo-streaming - avoid buffering and latency issues
Premium plans enjoy additional features:
1. Enable content download
2. Define the background color of control bar and playlist
3. Determine icons and text color
4. Define color of items when being rolled-over with a mouse
5. Define the display background color
6. Set the domain-lock option
7. Take out Cincopa branding
8. Define what happens when clicking the display (play, link, none, full screen,
mute or next)
9. Add watermark logo
10. Show mute option
11. Set startup volume
12. Define buffering length
13. Allow users to browse with Cooliris
Customize appearance to match your brand and website design. Interactions for video marketing, moneytization and privacy. This player is a HTML5 Single Video Player.